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Sage Athletic Training

Alex Gilbert, Head Athletic Trainer

Office: (518) 292-1751

Carle McNulty, Assistant Athletic Trainer

Office: (518) 292-1720

Joe Schildwachter, Assistant Athletic Trainer

Office: (518) 292-1928

Dr. Russell Wenacur, Team Physician

Dr. Joseph Zimmerman, Orthopedic Physician

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the ATS software, athletic training services, or appointments please reach out to Alex Gilbert

Follow the Athletic Training Department on Instagram



Weekdays: 11:00am-to the end of practice/home contest

Weekends: 1 hour prior to scheduled practices, two hours prior to the start of warm-ups for home contests.


Visiting Team Information

Visiting Athletic Teams/Athletic Trainers/Coaches' Memo (Updated 12/1/2022)

Student-Athlete Information and Paperwork 

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the ATS software, athletic training services, or appointments please reach out to the RSC Athletic Training Staff.


Link to new on-line student-athlete web site

(or just type: into your web browser)

*NCAA ADHD Reporting Form

*Preparticipation Physical Evaluation Form 

*Health Insurance Claim Form Information




NCAA Banned Drugs

password: ncaa3


Concussion Fact Sheet

A Concussion is a brain injury that may be caused by a blow to the head, face, neck, or elsewhere on the body with an “impulsive” force transmitted to the head. Concussions can also result from hitting a hard surface. ALL concussions are serious and can occur in any sport.

Any blow to the head that results in concussive symptoms requires IMMEDIATE refrain from all activity, as it can help to prevent further injury or even death. 

The Sage Colleges performs baseline testing at the start of each athletic season. This testing includes orientation questions, immediate memory, exertional maneuvers, neurologic screening, concentration, and delayed recall.  If a head injury is sustained, the testing is repeated; comparison to baseline determines an athlete’s safe return to athletics.

Any head injury MUST be reported to the athletic trainers and coaches.  Failure to report could result in chronic issues – headache, concentration problems, seizures, and possible death.


NCAA Sickle Cell Fact Sheet

NCAA Sickle Cell Video

Sickle Cell Traits for Student-Athletes 

Sickle Cell Trait is the inheritance of one gene for normal hemoglobin and one gene for sickle hemoglobin.  While this condition is generally benign, under circumstances of intense or extensive exertion, the sickle hemoglobin may change the shape of red blood cells from round to quarter moon or crescent shaped, described as sickle.  The altered shape can result in the blockage of blood flow to muscles (including the heart), rapid deterioration of muscle tissue, heart arrhythmias, kidney failure and subsequent death.  The necessity of knowing an athlete’s status as a carrier of the sickle cell trait is pertinent to his/her safety, as this condition is easily treated with recognition of signs/symptoms, rest and IV fluids. 

Sickle cell trait is most often found in African Americans, but also in those with Mediterranean, Middle Eastern, and Central and South American ancestry.  Newborn testing for the trait is now widespread; however, the NCAA and NATA recommend testing of all athletes, as they may not have been previously screened or do not know the results of the screen. 


Athletic Emergency Policies and Procedures

Emergency Action Plan  

Weather Policies and Procedures

(Outside weather conditions can be detrimental to the health and safety of student-athletes. Below are The Sage Colleges' policies and procedures for outside practices in temperature extremes--both hot and cold, as well as our lightning policy.)

Cold Weather

Hot Weather

Lightning Safety









National Athletic Trainers’ Association website



Sage's Nutrition and EatToCompete Information


Sage Student-Athletes and Staff...

Your Athletic Department has a One-Year, Subscription to the Eat to Compete Online Sports Nutrition Web Portal (Please note: There is no cost to you.)
1. Go to On Top of homepage click “WEB PORTAL” 
2. Scroll down to How Can I Get Access to The Member Portal. Click, “Signing Up”
3. Enter your school’s email address 
Follow the brief login instructions and you are off to enjoying our Members Only Web Portal.


You will enter the Members Only Web Portal. 24/7 access to the Online 
Ø Online Sports Nutrition Library – E Manual
Ø Online Sports Nutrition Presentations
Ø Weekly Sports Nutrition Tips
If you experience any technical problems, please contact us at

Nutrition Education Services, Inc.
West Chester, PA