Friday, May 30, 2025
8:00 AM - Breakfast
9:00 AM - Shotgun Start
Colonie Golf and Country Club
(141 Maple Road, Voorheesville, NY 12186)
Golfer Registration
Cost: $175 per golfer/$700 per foursome
“Young Alumni Discount” for recent Sage graduates from classes 2019 to 2025 Cost: $155 per golfer/$620 per foursome of Young Sage Alumni
Sponsorship Packages
- Display of logo at Registration Table, during breakfast and dinner reception
- Signage on course holes
- Post event Thank you to participants on behalf of sponsors
- Lead Sponsor Status
- Golf package for Four
- Opportunity to welcome participants during Tournament Kickoff
- Opportunity to provide company branded swag for distribution during event
- Presence during Registration or On the Turn including tabling and volunteer opportunities
- Banner displayed at home athletic venues for 2025-2026 Academic Year
- Ideal Company logo placement on Sage Athletics Website for 12 months
- Display of logo at Registration Table, during breakfast and dinner reception
- Signage on course holes
- Four logo placements during live stream of sporting contest
- Four Sage sponsored social media promotions prior to event
- Post event Thank you to participants on behalf of sponsors
ACE - $5,000
- Golf package for Four
- Opportunity to provide company branded swag for distribution during event
- Presence during registration or On the Turn including tabling and volunteer opportunities
- Banner displayed at home athletic venues for 2025-2026 Academic Year
- Premium Company logo placement on Sage Athletics Website for 12 months
- Display of logo at Registration Table, during breakfast and dinner reception
- Signage on course holes
- Two logo placements during live stream of sporting contest
- Two Sage sponsored social media promotions prior to event
- Post event Thank you to participants on behalf of sponsors
GRAND SLAM - $2,500
- Golf package for two
- Display of logo at Registration, during breakfast and dinner reception
- Company logo placement on Sage Athletics Website for 12 months
- Display of logo at Registration Table, during breakfast and dinner reception
- Signage on course holes
- Two logo placements during live stream of sporting contest
- Two Sage sponsored social media promotions prior to event
- Post event Thank you to participants on behalf of sponsor
- Golf package for two
- Display of logo at Registration, during breakfast and dinner reception
- Signage on course holes
- One Sage sponsored social media promotion prior to event
- Post event Thank you to participants on behalf of sponsors
- Display of logo at Registration Table, during breakfast and dinner reception
- Signage on course holes
- Post event Thank you to participants on behalf of sponsors
In-Kind Sponsors: In-kind sponsorships directly offset Gator Golf expenses through the donation of professional services or products such as refreshments for participants, items for attendee SWAG bag, and other similar non-monetary contributions.
Custom Sponsors: Custom sponsorships are tailored for organizations that wish to support Gator Golf, but would like to mix and match benefits or pursue additional options not included on the benefit menu. Our team can create a benefits package that works for you!
For more information contact:
Garrett Cobb (Registration/General Inquiries) | (518) 244-2415